Of course I have next year planned out. It's one of my favorite parts of homeschooling. No matter how hard you might try you can't take all the "teacher-esqueness" out of me. {wink}
Natalee will be in Math U See Beta,
and Xavier will be in Math U See Alpha.
We already own both of these! I think this will be Natalee's last year in Math U See - I'm hoping to switch her over to computer based Teaching Textbooks next year.
We have loved our Answers in Genesis God's Design for Science curriculum for the last two years. There are four sets of them and we've done two. However, two sets began at the first grade level (the ones we've done) and the last two sets begin at the third grade level. I decided the last two might be too advanced for us just yet, so we're taking a break from AiG this year and going to try Science in the Beginning by Jay Wile.
The activities look simple enough - it's all a matter of mom being able and willing to carry them out! We will also do the printable journals for the book.
We will continue our Introduction to World History with Sonlight Core C this year.
I love the history and read aloud portions of Sonlight and have been really fortunate the last two years to buy those two portions used from a gal in a neighboring community at a steal of a price. Sonlight's price tag has always intimidated me but after I realized I don't have to buy the WHOLE kit and have been able to find them used I've really fallen in love with their use of real books to teach history. (I also love history because I'm a nerd.)
We'll also be doing a unit study on the Presidential Election. We're using this lapbook (http://www.homeschoolshare.com/elections_lapbook.php) in addition to other resources. I would like to purchase copies of these Skills Books that my brother-in-law shared with me in the ages appropriate for my two kids but I need a group buy of 10 or more to keep the cost reasonable, so I'm putting feelers out in my local homeschool groups! http://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/products/election-skills-books
I'm hoping to get enough interest to have a mock election this fall for the co-op kids!
We will be studying through The Story as a family this year in addition to continuing our Bible Study Guide for All Ages. I didn't do as well with Bible studies daily this year, so I'm hoping changing things up to The Story will keep me a little more on task and accountable. Ameliya will be joining us and using The Story for Little Ones.
Xavier will be in The Story for Children.
Natalee will be using The Story for Kids.
And Mike and I will re-read the adult version of The Story.
I am slowly working through planning out the activities for my kids to do with their books each day. I am excited for all of it, but most excited to watch Ameliya's world open up as she learns to memorize Bible verses and gets excited about the Word. I'm also anxious to start fresh and do better in an area I kind of failed at this year.
Natalee will be using Rod and Staff Grade 3 reading, grammar, and spelling. She loves this curriculum because the stories are Bible based. She'll also be reading the Sonlight grade 4 "readers." Her booklist for that includes:
A Llama in
the Family
Along Came a Dog
B is for Betsy
Betsy & Tacy Go Over the Big
Emily’s Runaway Imagination
Encylopedia Brown
Ginger Pye
Henry & Ribsy
Lumber Camp Library
Marco Polo
McBroom’s Wonderful One Acre
of Chincoteague
Stories From Grandma’s Attic
Wild Spirit of the West
S. Mouse
Children of Noisy Village
King’s Equal
Toothpaste Millionaire
Whipping Boy
I'm hoping to find Natalee the Lightkeepers "Ten Girls" set or maybe gift it to her for her birthday because I think she'd love them.
Xavier will be doing grade 1 Sing, Spell, Read and Write for phonics and continuing to learn the rules for reading. I also bought him the Rod and Staff Grade 1 readers because he wanted them so desperately and I like the kids to have good literature to read. I'm not sure if he'll do all the corresponding workbooks or not since he's doing SSRW daily already.
As a family we'll be reading aloud the books in Sonlight Core C. We'll get to read The Cricket in Times Square, The Tales of Robin Hood, and so much more! The Core C read alouds that I'm purchasing used are not as new as the current ones, meaning the read alouds are a bit different. No fear - I crossed the lists and chose the ones we won't be getting to add to our pile of treasures to read for the year!
I tend to lay it on pretty thick in reading...reading and books open worlds and take you on grand adventures. So far 3/4 of our children loves books - and the other one loves to eat them if that counts!
We will continue writing with various activities- Draw Write Now, daily journaling, etc, in addition to the writing their reading work has them do daily. I've never found a set writing curriculum we love but I need to be more intentional about planning out a daily writing activity for the children.
Foreign Language: We will be trying Song School Spanish this year and I'm anxious to see if we like it and are able to keep up and learn from it!
We will also continue to use a Signing Time DVD each week. When Ameilya really wants something she'll often sign it to us - as though saying it and signing it will convince me to give in. It is pretty cute.
Art: We will keep using our Usborne Art books, Mr. P Studio YouTube channel, and other resources to fill our art needs. I'm hoping there will be opportunities for art through the co-op also.
Music: I have good intentions of beginning piano lessons with at least Natalee. Xavier would like to take drum lessons. We'll see if we can find a resource for him. Music is important to me - it's important that my children know how to read music so this is something I need to get on top of.
PE: We love Cosmic Kids Yoga channel on YouTube for PE. In addition, both kids are playing ball this summer and taking PE through the co-op - I hope there are opportunities for physical education through the co-op again. I am also going to try to get both kids into radKIDS for a refresher, or plan one in town again.
Ameliya, never to want to be left behind, will continue learning to cut, glue, listen, and obey. I am going to snag her a new Melissa and Doug water wow, as it's one of her favorite things. We'll also be more intentional about doing puzzles and sorting with her. She's beginning to learn colors and counting and I know she'll take off like a rocket this year with some fine tuning from mom and dad. Tell me your favorite toddler/preschool activities to do at the table while the big kids are learning...please!?
Also - tell me what you're learning this year, or have learned in the past, that we're missing? We like to mix things up and have fun so lay it one me!
Here's to a great year - and yes, my DIY planner is printed and bound again this year - I'll show you soon!
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