Thursday, May 5, 2016

We Learned THIS Much!

This year we learned SO much...
 We read and studied every single one of these books!

This year Ameliya grew hair!!
 She's so proud!

This year we added a baby brother!
 We love our little family!

This year we learned patience and understanding.  We learned compassion and forgiveness.
 We learned to give each other grace.
This year we made friends, but also grew closer together.  We invented ways to keep from going stir-crazy.  We've dealt with sickness and rejoiced in wellness!
 This was a great year! 

These are the things we were going to display at the Show and Share this spring.  It was canceled due to lack of interest (sad face).  The kids enjoyed looking through their projects one last time before we packed them away out of the cupboard.
We didn't pack him away...He wouldn't fit in the box.

I had the big kids pick 2-3 favorite things from the couch...
I'm shocked neither picked Akebu to Zapotec!  They loved it and were sad to finish it and the journals I made to go with it.

This was a great year.  We got messy, we had fun..there were frustrating days but there were awesome days.  Xavier learned to read, Natalee understood the concepts of adding and subtracting, and Ameliya & Zayden...well they just tried to keep up with us (oh wait - we tried to keep up with them!). 

We're ALREADY excited for next year and will likely start mid summer again so that we can give ourselves grace through the year and enjoy every little bit of the journey!

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