This little house has been struggling with entitled children grumping over helping out around here. After some thought and prayer I decided to implement the ever popular (on the internet) chore pack system. Of course the children are excited about their packs this morning because they are new, but my hope is that even when the excitement wears off the positivity will remain.
It's not that the children have really cared to help and do chores, but just that they never think to do them on their own and get frustrated at interrupted play to complete their tasks when I finally remember to remind them. I wanted the chore packs to be simple and thus I designed them to be that way.
Numbered chores are daily requirements (I may switch them out depending on our needs). Chores not numbered are extras that mom/dad load into the kids' packs and are "paid for" chores, meaning the kids earn a quarter upon completion of them.
It's nice to have everything done before school and morning activities and it really only took the kids a half hour, if that. I intend to do an evening chore pack for the kids also to ship shape the house before bedtimes.
Ameliya wanted a "money" too {pwease} so she earned it by being a laundry helper.
What chore system do you use at your house??
Biblical philosophy to instill chores and a bit of work into our children...
Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! Proverbs 6:6
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” 2 Thessalonians 3:10
Most importantly, in John 13 Jesus sets the ultimate example of servitude by washing the feet of his disciples... I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. John 13:15
Serving begins here with each other.
My load this morning was much less, my attitude is much cheerier, and everyone feels really good about their accomplishments! It was a "nag-less" morning - praise. Have a lovely day!
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