Monday, May 9, 2016

Six Months Old {Zayden Samuel}

Half a year...
It really is true that often the days (hours? minutes?) are long but the weeks and months are short...
In the blink of an eye our baby is half a year old.  It never quite felt like such an accomplishment to make it to half a year with the others as it has with this one!  He gets ornier everyday.

 We made it, Little Man!
Sucking toes is one of his new hobbies.
I'm going to take his formal six month pictures this weekend but needed to capture the 6 month "day."  Nothing says celebration like a baby with no clothes!
Almost sitting solo.

Those blue eyes.  Mmmmm, to die for!
We love every saucy ounce of you, Zayden Samuel.  You're headstrong, lovey, like to be held, love to swing, busy, silly, nosey, and so sweet.  We're blessed to be your family!

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