Sunday, May 1, 2016

One Last Birthday Bash

Ameliya had one last birthday bash at Papa Curtis's and Grandma Num's last Sunday.  I had picked up Minnie Mouse plates for her and then forgotten to use them when she had the flu over her birthday.  I got them out and made her a giant cookie and she was SO excited.

Lauren and Lance still hadn't gotten to give Mia her presents from them so she even had something to open on her month late birthday. 
 Minnie Mouse duplos!
And a Minnie Mouse 'brella!
Mia is glad Papa's back is healing and he's back in the business of recliner snuggles.
Beautiful baby girl...we love you so much.  Two is proving to be a bit of a whopper - you have an attitude and a spark and the voice to match, but we're going to succeed.  You're going to do great things! 

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