Monday, February 9, 2015

Little Mimic + Walking

Ameliya has started mimicing sounds and words.  Xavier can get her to try more things than any of the rest of us.  All week long he's worked on getting her to say "Bubba."  I actually kind of hate the nickname Bubba but he so diligently taught her to say it that it is precious in it's own right.  
Natalee is calling herself "Nini" (knee knee) and is trying to get Mia to say it, but she's not as obnoxiously diligent as Xavier.  

This morning Mia was playing on the floor and pulled up to a laundry basket and before I knew it she was doing this...
I tried her out again with the walker and sure enough, off she went.
She's really just everywhere and into everything.  Ten months is looking mighty fine on this sugar pie.

"Teach me, too, Mama!"

1 comment:

Shonya said...

LOL at your dislike of the nickname Bubba! :)

And oh, what a cutie she is! That last picture. . .