Monday, February 9, 2015

The New System

Mike and I needed some consistency in our consequences and rewards for behavior for our children so we used an idea I gleaned from Doorposts called the If-Then Chart and the Blessing Chart.  I was going to buy the ones from Doorposts but decided I needed them customized to our family so I designed our own.  So far, it's really working - keeping us consistent and helping me to raise my voice and punish out of anger much less. 
The first day the children really wanted a consequence of extra chore, however now that they've realized it impedes their play time or pushes back their school time it's not as fun.  

When an "if" is committed we go to the chart and read the Bible verse, then look at the consequence. 
Even in our PJs.  Even before church.  Even during breakfast.  Even when it's not convenient.  

Likewise, we are enjoying the Blessings chart, as it reminds us as parents to build our children up.

1 comment:

Shonya said...

Ooooh, you're reminding me I should bring those charts out again.

Then again, maybe I just need a copy of your all filled out! :)

Well done.

(I'm sure enjoying catching up on your prolific blogging!) :)