Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Co-op Fridays!

I love our co-op Fridays.  Knowing that we have a time set aside for the children to get together and learn is precious and the kids look forward to it.

I carried big chug-a-lug on my back while I taught the 90 minute ballet class this week.  She finally fell asleep at the end of class.

Xavier was supposed to build a dinosaur at Lego club but was unable to complete the task unassisted so he built a work truck and a man. :)
Truthfully, he likes having the time to build Legos without a sister breathing down his neck, and I like that he's making new friends and getting new Lego ideas.  The dad leading the class said he is diligent, even if he didn't follow directions, and he is a good clean up helper.
While we're pleased that he's well behaved, we also want him to be obedient.  We decided to help equip him to follow directions next week, so this weekend Mike sat down and helped him build a dinosaur.

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