Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Big Snow

We had a lovely big-flaked snow this past Sunday.  Truthfully, it was so pretty...large flakes falling from the sky.  The air was still warm and 2 of our 5 were a bit under the weather so we stayed home from church and the big kids and I frolicked about outside.  Overall, I think we got 10-12".
I wish I'd have helped them with a snowman in the morning...it was a wet snow and perfect for packing.  After lunch the air had gotten colder and the snow was hard but we managed to squeak out a small and pathetic looking little man.
Little Biscuit, though recovering from a cold, came out for 10 minutes to experience life.  Life did not impress her but she found great joy in watching us from the window after she went back in with Daddy. 
Poor thing had to wear brother's hand-me-downs.
 Xavier tried to sled.

After naps we made snow ice cream.  Because....well...why not?

I brought in a little snow for Ameliya to feel since she was too bundled up to get the full experience earlier.  Again - not a fan of this part of life.  HA!
"Mama, that's COLD!"
 "Mama!!"  NOT.A.FAN.

Monday we ditched school (he he he) and Mike and the big kids went sledding with friends of ours (another homeschooling family).  Mike worked from home and had the noon to nine shift so it worked out that he was able to take Natalee and Xavier sledding with the other family's dad & big kids while we moms stayed inside with the babies and kept warm & jabbered prepared hot chocolate and apple slices for our sweeties to warm up with!
{only a week apart in age}

When it comes to snow, I'm of two minds.  Truthfully - we live in the Midwest.  I feel like we should expect snow.  I don't mind it too much, though I prefer warm weather, however I do dislike snowy/icy roads and extreme cold.  That said - when it snows - make the best of it and have some fun, right!?

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