The children and I have been working on a mini unit in Social Studies that I titled "All About Me" to follow our unit on "Where We Live." I made each of them a little booklet so that they could come to understand how they are alike and how they are different. We had fun personalizing their books - a little each day - and finished them tonight with our family trees!
I included pages on phone numbers and our address, which fit in nicely with our radKIDS training these last two weeks.
His favorite food didn't surprise me at all, nor his favorite activity. I love his favorite place to visit (he does love the farm!) and I think has a real obsession with giraffes right now, which is interesting and fun!
(His favorite gift was his bicycle - he got it when he was 3.)
(Her favorite gift was her twin boy/girl baby dolls. She actually got them for Christmas last year but her bday is so close to Christmas I think it all meshes together.)
Her favorite animal was a polar bear and her favorite place to go is a hotel. I was surprised that she said chicken nuggets as her favorite food, but not at all surprised she chose drawing as her favorite activity. She loves all books so I think she just drew the most recent one we'd had out. (I chuckled to see that both kids chose Usborne books, though!)
She had no good reason for making her pointer finger brown. I asked her if it was her nose picking finger and got a resounding, "NO, mom!"
She completely understood and loved putting the people on her family tree. She likes to draw connections between "dad's people" and "mom's people" and enjoys seeing how we all grow a nice big family. She had several questions - among them, why she didn't get to go to Nannie and Vance's wedding but got to go to Lauren/Lance's and Kea/Miguel's and who is the oldest of me and my sisters.
Fun fun little unit! I think next week we're going to do a short study on emotions and then I'm not sure where we'll go. (Any suggestions?) I'm loving the unit studies and am glad I chose to put Mystery of History on the shelf for awhile. I saved these little booklets I made on my computer in Word - if any of my blogging buddies want a copy I'll email you the link! :) If I was super techy I'd have a PDF link for you, but alas I'm not and I don't feel like buggy my hubby.
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