Monday, February 9, 2015

Where We Live

The big kids and I have put the History book on the shelf for the remainder of the year - the prophets and countries were getting too complex and the teacher in me said that while the exposure was good for them there were other (more fun!) things we could focus our energy on.
We're kicking off a unit on Where We Live and will roll it into an All About Me unit.  My goals are to help the children learn our phone numbers, address, city, state, etc., and for them to see how they are uniquely made by God.  We started the Where We Live unit and are loving it!
This project was great for them to see how we can go from our home clear to the great big earth and where we fit into that scheme!
We did this over a few days and coupled it with picture books and youtube videos.  The children enjoyed it very much and can tell me our street, our city, our state and our planet...and with prompting can tell me our country and continent.

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