How did you like that super long title?
Every time I turn around Ameliya has done something else amazing and blog-worthy (wink). I tell ya- she's growing in a huge rush lately!
Yesterday she was watching a Signing Time while I found my sanity and a snack for the kids in the kitchen.
The video showed the sign for banana and showed bananas on the screen...little scoot dropped to her hands and knees, crawled to the kitchen, looked at me and plainly said, "nana." Dude. Ha. She said it again this morning from her bed. Apparently, like her big sister, she wakes up thinking about food! I've tried to get her to say "nana" on video but she doesn't speak on demand. She did, however, screech for a "nana" tonight at supper and her daddy got to hear it. She's on a bit of a food strike for anything other than 'nanas, which is proving to be quite annoying (for me). I need to teach her to say MEAT!
Ameliya is still a finger sucker. The other morning I got her out of her bed and kissed her little head and then her little hand and noticed that her "sucking hand" stank like old milk and food! Guh-rose. I told Daddy is was time to start brushing her 7 little pearls (with water). Last night was the brushing debut and she thought it was hilarious.
He's such a good Daddy.
Today Ameliya chose biker clothes and rode her puppy "like she stole it."
(thieving chapstick out of big sis's purse ^)
Is she not precious with her Kira?
Speaking of Kira...
Sometimes I don't think to get Kira dolly out of Mia's bed after naps and in the morning. She's solved that by either having her in hand when I go to lift her out or by tossing Kira overboard when she sees me coming so she can come back into the bedroom and get her later. Such a smartie, this little lady. I'm noticing Kira "traveling" throughout the house more and more, with her little mama.
Today I finally gave in and rearranged the kids' rooms and the downstairs playroom (for the one THOUSANDTH time, I'm sure) so that the downstairs playroom was "Mia friendly" and the toys with small pieces are safely upstairs in the kids' zones. Ameliya is over the moon. If you remember, we have forbidden her from going in the playroom until this point because of the small toys (she puts everything in her mouth - Polly Pocket clothes would sure have been easy to eat). She would sit at the rug in the living room and watch the big kids but couldn't go in. I moved the kitchen and washer/dryer, the snap and style dolls, the My Little Ponies, and the Little People farm animals downstairs, and moved the dollhouse to the playroom. Can she "cook at the kitchen?" Not quite. But she's over the moon that these are all still toys that sis and brother play with which means that they've PLAYED with her all day. Not that they ignored her before but now she's a big girl just like them. Part of the crowd. Her face and eyes today when she got to go in that playroom - the sweetest.
After supper tonight Mike said, "where's the baby?"
In the playroom - where she's been all day. He he he.
At one point tonight I picked her up and she cuddled up on my shoulder and said "ni-night." I'd have thought I misheard some baby babble but Mike whipped his head around - he'd heard it, too.
At one point tonight I picked her up and she cuddled up on my shoulder and said "ni-night." I'd have thought I misheard some baby babble but Mike whipped his head around - he'd heard it, too.
And Daddy - oh Daddy...he's becoming quite the fun guy to have around...
The best part is that he took the day off tomorrow to spend ALLLL with us!!
Happy weekend, friends!
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