Sunday, February 15, 2015

Impromptu Art Lesson

Natalee got fabulous liquid water color paints for Christmas and we got them out tonight to paint.  Xavier learned about the letter Uu last week and with radKIDS every afternoon we hadn't gotten around to his fun painting project so we had a little Sunday night fun school.
I gave them each one umbrella to just paint.  The liquid water colors are so rich and vibrant.  We have four colors and mixed them to make purple and orange, so they had six colors each.
See how pretty?
 Natalee ^
Xavier ^

Then, I couldn't resist teaching them how to do crayon resist (pun intended).  I had them drawn designs on an umbrella with crayon, instructing them to push hard.  They then painted over it with the water colors and watched the magic.
 Natalee's included rain drops falling on her umbrella.
Xavier loved mixing his colors to make new hues. 
Liquid water colors = super fun and easy medium! 
Homeschool lesson on a Sunday night = perfect way to start the week!

1 comment:

Shonya said...



Seriously, looks like fun, they turned out great, and kids LOVE painting, don't they?!