Friday, December 5, 2014

Uh Oh {She Talks!}

Yesterday Ameliya was playing in her hop-n-pop and dropped a toy.  I said "uh-oh, you dropped it" and bent to pick it up when I heard this raspy, faint little voice say "uh oh."

Of course I turned "the dropsies" into a game to try to get her to say it more.  I realize now that was stupid because she thinks throwing things on the floor is now funny.  Duh.  (Enjoy training that out of her, you all say.  I know, I know.)

But since she is so precious, do you wanna hear her tiny little voice? 
The videos are kinda long, but obviously (you can hear the big kids in the background) we all think she's a doll.

I tried again just now before naps to catch her saying it clearly but she's either playing me for a fool or she's still working on getting it to come out plainly each time.  

What a little sugar dumpling.
And now, if you don't mind, it's been one of those mornings and all the children are currently snoozing so I'm going to go find a book and my beautiful sofa. 

1 comment:

Shonya said...

Oh too precious! I love her little voice!!!