Saturday, December 13, 2014

2014 Christmas Card

I didn't print Christmas cards this year (gasp) but if I had they would say something along the lines of this...

The beginning of 2014 found me (Jenn) very pregnant, waiting for the arrival of Baby Beeler #3.  I was finishing out the last leg of our in home daycare/preschool, schooling the children and managing the day to day happenings of our home. We were tiptoeing around, lives on hold, praying that our home would sell right after we officially closed the daycare.  Mike has commuted an hour and a half one way to the college campus he is employed at, everyday for all of 2014.  

The close of 2014 has found us still in limbo but choosing to not put our lives on hold any longer.  The house has not sold but we have listed it with a realtor recently.  Mike is still commuting every day - when he has to go to the campus 2 1/2 hours away he stays with my aunt, which blesses me because I hate to think of him on the road so late at night, only to get up and drive that far back in the morning.  I have boxes that have been packed for over a year now and I wonder if I really need the things inside.  We have officially outgrown our humble home but are choosing joy instead of despair.  We feel confident that God has a plan that has kept us "waiting" for this long.  We are daily thankful for our sweet house that we've grown so much love in, for Mike's good and steady job where he is appreciated and valued (never underestimate a job where you feel those things...never ever), and for the fact that I am able to stay home and educate our children the way we choose.  

This year, lives off hold, we got very active in our homeschool co-op.  The children have participated in group P.E., musical, Spanish and had the opportunity to do many other courses.  Starting in January we will begin ballet, Lego club, radKIDS, and family music - and maybe another course if I get it put together the way I want!  Our church has been gracious in allowing us to use the basement of the building for our classes and we've found a deep love for our fellow homeschool families.  

We also recommitted our involvement to our church and I again became the self appointed(?) ring leader of the Wednesday evening J.A.M. club for kids ages 3 yrs-6th grade.  We've grown astronomically, begun a meal program, and have between 70 and 80 children each week.  Our 2 older children have started going to kid's church on Sunday mornings and enjoy that time with others.  We've also gotten to help organize a couple of upcoming Christmas events, which is a blessing for us and, we hope, others.

Mike and I have found ourselves examining our hearts a lot this year and making sure the things we are doing are ultimately for the glory of His Kingdom and not because of what the world might think or say.  It's hard to shake off the world but it's good and right.  We've worked hard on instilling this value system in our children also.

One of the most significant moments of our 2014 was, of course, the addition of our precious Ameliya Darby to the family.  She came in a whirlwind on March 29th - giving me only 45 or so minutes in the hospital before making her grand entry.
At two months old Ameliya had a laser tongue/lip tie revision done and she has been a champion nurser since.  She is a roly-poly ball of love and chub who is just happy to go along and be with the group.  She loves her brother and sister, loves reading and loves eating.  She's snuggly on her own terms and very VERY busy.

Xavier is every ounce of four year old boy that you might imagine.  He's bossy, nosy, and means to do well but sometimes gets distracted.  He loves school and learning seems to come easily and naturally for him.  Of all our children he's the lovey-est.  He takes his role as protector "male" very seriously, especially when daddy is away.  He loves to be loud and have crazy antics to make his baby sister laugh.  If he went to public school he'd be considered a "class clown" and his teacher might set him in the hallway a lot.  As it is, his mother takes many deep breaths, looks deeply into his eyes, and squeezes him tightly a lot.  Xavier is wishing for a brother and asks for one often.  This also makes his mommy take deep breaths and squeeze him tightly.

Natalee has done a lot of growing in 2014.  She just turned six on Dec 9th.  She's sweet when she wants to be and can be so very helpful.  Growing up for her has been as much about me letting go of the reigns a bit and giving her some control and choice over things she is capable of handling as it has been her taking those reigns and making good choices.  Natalee enjoys school and can be helpful with her baby sister when given good instruction.  She loves reading and has really taken off with it the last couple of months.  Natalee craves routine and structure.  She enjoys having fun if she can anticipate that it's coming.  Often she and I have to stop, take a quiet moment together and talk things through.  I'm working hard on giving her words to express how she's feeling or what she's thinking.  She loves drawing and all things artsy.

2014 has, once again, found us blessed with family, health, and love.  Our children are well, as are we, and have so much to be thankful for.  Our home church is thriving and growing and it's such an uplifting place to serve.
When we look at these shiny, sweet little faces our hearts just explode with delight...
...and anticipate all the trials and joy yet to come.

Our prayer this Christmas is that you have Jesus, family and friends, and much love in your loves.  Thank you for sharing in our lives with us.

Mike, Jenn, Natalee, Xavier, and Ameliya

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