Wednesday, December 31, 2014

It Just Gets Better...

Life just keeps getting richer here at the Beeler residence...
Xabe got a tool belt from Aunt Lauren and Uncle Lance for Christmas.  He has it so weighted down that, even on the smallest waist setting it slides down his slender hips and non existent bum.  Daddy fixed him right up this morning...
Daddy's tool belt has suspenders, too, so they are 2 peas in a pod. 

Then, Xavier and I "manned it up" this morning...
 He thought this was hilarious and then went and got a mustache to "go to work".  He's such a card.

We tried to make Mia manly, but as it turns out 9 months old don't wear mustaches well...

In other news around the abode, the big kids got a magazine this morning!
(ignore the couch - I washed the cushion covers and they are waiting to be put back on)

Ameliya loves to check the window in the morning to see if Mr. Sun is here!

We also started reading Little House in the Big Woods last night.  Sigh.  My favorite.  I love falling into a book with my children.
We are ending 2014 doing all kinds of exciting things like cleaning house, building Legos, doing laundry, having puppet shows, and living life to the fullest!!

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