Monday, December 29, 2014

9 Months Old {Ameliya}

Our sweet baby is 9 months old today.  I just can't believe how quickly time is flying.  I thought it would go slower since I'm home everyday but it's marching along at an alarming rate of speed.  I'm so blessed to be here for every babble, smile, runny nose, dirty diaper, slobbery kiss, and big milestone.
At 9 months old Ameliya:
  • is almost 25 pounds
  • is 28" tall
  • has 6 teeth
  • has had chicken pox!
  • says "uh-oh, hello, and mama" with purpose
  • crawls her own way, but is quick
  • pulls up to people who are lying on the floor
  • is very very busy!
  • still nurses but also eats table food
  • loves her toys
  • dances to music
  • tests her boundaries
  • loves big brother and sister
  • laughs with abandon
  • also screams with abandon at times
  • is stubborn with a temper
  • loves life
  • is cautious around men, especially those with facial hair
  • has a contagious smile
  • sometimes snores when she's sleeping

We love you, precious light.  You are as sweet and saucy as they come!

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