Wednesday, December 3, 2014

O Christmas Tree

The tree is up.  We put it up last Friday.
Miss Bossy was in charge of tree putting up operations. 

Every year when we put it up it's such a journey of memories.  Our ornaments are from our childhood through our married life, symbolizing memories and we've started each child a collection, too.  They loved looking through theirs' as they put them up!
Mike and I were gifted 2 of these enormous blue sparkly ornaments when we got married.  It was such a neat gift to get at our June wedding and each year they get a place of honor up high on the tree.
My first Christmas ornament ^ and Mia's...
My sister, Lauren, got each of the children their first Christmas ornaments.  She gave Mia her's just in time to put it on the tree. 
 Natalee got to do the star.
The last couple of years Nannie has made the kids special ornaments recording what they are "into" or a significant moment in their lives.  Xavier was so excited to see he had a motorcycle ornament.  Last year's ornaments said "big brother and big sister."

Overall, Ameliya has left the tree alone, but she did give it a thorough inspection earlier this week.

I always enjoy putting it up, but I also always enjoy having the space back in our humble home when it's time to take it down!

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