Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Making Progress - Xavier

Xavier finished his first little "math" book (as he calls it) called About Three and graduated to the second one.  He's super excited and a very diligent little student.

This book will continue with pencil control, hand/eye coordination, similarities/differences, introduction to numbers, letters, and counting, etc.  Some of it is quite easy for him, however he nor I are ready to start kindergarten level work.  He needs to work towards the diligence of schooling every day - not just when he feels like it - and increasing his time at the table before we start anything more serious by way of sit down lessons.  Right now, lessons for his 3 year old self are learned mostly away from the table...lessons in obedience, loving, self control, patience, etc.  But he DOES love his little book!  And he looks adorable at the table!

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