Monday, January 13, 2014

Just Another Night In Paradise

Here's a typical evening in the Beeler house.  While we usually play games on the floor I talked the fam into moving to the couch tonight - the floor isn't so comfy any more with the extra tummy.

Ahh...I know you've noticed I usually only take baby growing tummy pics on Sundays - those are the days I put on make-up, dress nicely, and do my hair (I'm ashamed!).  The rest of the week it's sweats, a ponytail (my hair's always clean if that counts!), and no make-up.  I'd love to tell you differently but do you see those plaid pants of my hubby's I'm sporting?...oh yeah, I sure did wear them all day.  My poor daycare parents (oddly enough the kids don't mind!). 

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