Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Snow ❅

We had a BIG snow today.  It actually turned to ice, but before it did we got out and enjoyed the fluff.  It was coming down thickly when it finally got going at a little after noon, which added to the magic feeling.  
Little Ev stays right in there with the big kids when it comes to outdoor play, even in the snow.  Don't you tell her she's little.  I pulled her in the sled for awhile but eventually let her down to waddle.  I couldn't get a photo or video because I was helping her, but when Evie fell down she couldn't get back up and had to lay like a turtle for someone to help her.  Too much snow gear.  I kept hollering across the yard, "someone lift her up!" until I got smart and Mike or I stayed right with her. 
I haven't been out to play in the snow in a couple of winters.  Two years ago I was pregnant and last year we had a newborn....so when I got ready to go out this year I had forgotten that Natalee's been borrowing my snow boots.  They are really good warm boots and give her good support to walk outside, and I'm happy to share.  I tried to wear my rain boots with boot socks but I have a foot that I smashed with an organ bench some years ago and it's not been quite the same since - after a few minutes outside I realized it was swelling and I rushed inside and had to call Mike in to yank the boot off before it got stuck.  So, Grandma Ann style, I kept on my warm socks, wrapped my feet in plastic sacks and put on my old tennis shoes.  I stayed warm and dry!  She'd be so proud.

We stayed out about an hour before the fluffy snow turned to ice pelts and drove us inside.  I put little Evie down for a nap, made hot chocolate, and Mike shared his stroopwafels.  Our Dutch friends taught us to set the stroopwafels on the warm drinks so that the caramel inside gets warm and soft - so delicious! 
The rest of the evening we listened to the ice hit the house.  We prayed for those who had to travel in it and praised God that Daddy isn't one of them anymore.

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