Sunday, January 3, 2021

Christmas with The Beelers {A Two Day Event}

In a crazy turn of 2020 events, all of Mike's immediate family recently had covid-19.  Phil and Sara had it first, then Kea and Miguel had it, and the little girls were in quarantine for weeks per the CDC guidelines.  We're very glad they all recovered well, and selfishly thankful that this meant we could all get together safely for a Christmas celebration without too much worry about sharing viruses.

We loaded up the bus with gifts, food, overnight bags, and everything we needed for a short weekend in Missouri and headed "home."  It has been over two months since we'd gathered face to face.

Before we eat and before gifts - photos!

Ages 1, 10, 12, 5, 6, 2, 5.
Diaper buddies.
Kea and Sara made a yummy brunch of biscuits and gravy, bacon, scrambled one left the table hungry!  

After we cleaned up brunch, we exchanged gifts.  Mike and I were SO excited to give this gift to Kea.  We took Betty's beloved handwritten banana cookie recipe and Mike worked up the file and then laser engraved it into a wooden cutting board.
It's always a little chaotic opening gifts with this many children, but they are getting older and it won't always be this noisy - someday we'll wish it back. 
I felt like everyone was actually really patient except little Ev who just liked to take everyone's things and dump all the packages.  She was very handy.  She won't be a tiny toddler long, though.  I know this from experience.

After gifts, there were new things to play with, snacks to eat, and games to try out.
Unicorn Monopoly for the little girls and I, and Legos for the boys.

Mike and Miguel took the 5 oldest children outside to play while Kea and I tried to get the little girls to take a rest.  First, a baba with Papa for Evie.
Then a snuggle with Mama.

Mike got his snowboard out of the garage and everyone took a turn.  These little clips are short but fun to watch.
Even Mike took a turn.
Granny worked on supper while we rocked the girls and the others played outside.  Tacos, taco ring, and all the fixings were about ready when everyone came back inside.
After supper and some baths - dessert.

Are we friends yet?

Mike and I, Natalee and Evalynn journeyed out to my folks' house to spend the night, but our middle 3 stayed for a sleepover at Granny and Papa's.  We got them all clean and in PJs, ready for bed, before we gave hugs and kisses and headed out.

Sunday, January 3rd
We met back for brunch again on Sunday.  Cinnamon rolls and yummy breakfast casserole hit the spot!
We played some more games on Sunday after we ate.
I called Bingo and the kids played for quarters.
It was a really good weekend and felt so good to see some of our people.
If 2020 has taught us anything it's to be more thankful for these moments.
Thank you, Phil and Sara, Kea and Miguel, for a wonderful weekend.  We love you all.

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