Sunday, December 6th
After morning worship and lunch, we all took an afternoon rest, and then the children played while Mike and I worked around the house. Here's a Daddy-Evie snuggle during evening devotions.
Monday, December 7th
Mia has been working on measuring by inches and perimeter in math. Here she is cutting out specific sized shapes and finding their perimeter.
Zayden loves color by numbers during his breaks.
Natalee got a surprise gift in the mail from my cousin Vanessa. She loves it!
I bought some gaiter masks for the kids to try during PE and Evie modeled their other uses - head wear and mini skirt.
Evening orneries with mommy.
Each night we listen to a different Christmas song. Evie LOVED Pentatonix's version of Deck the Halls!
Tuesday, December 8th
Natalee has a series of exercises and stretches to do every morning. Evie likes to offer entertainment for her.
I took Ev for a 30 minute walk while the kids started PE and then caught the end of the class where they played floor volleyball.
Trying to keep Ev happy is a full time job.
Wednesday, December 9th
What a beautiful day! The weather was gorgeous and we spent the day celebrating our firstborn!
Zayden and Mike took advantage of the lovely weather to work on a project for Evie for Christmas
and I spent some time cleaning out the garage while they worked.
Thursday, December 10th
Starting the day with some white chocolate peppermint tea.
Another day with sun! We got out and soaked up our vitamin D.
My Aunt Joanna sent us up a lasagna that I had frozen. What a delicious supper that I didn't have to make and that everyone loved. Thank you!
Hair growth update.
Friday, December 11th
I had a doctor's appointment Friday morning so Mike ran the show and took the kids to homeschool gym. The rest of the day we did a bit of school, the kids played, and it was a quiet, laid back rainy day.
Saturday, December 12th
Saturday we were lazy! The kids did breakfast, cartoons, more breakfast. Mike and I made a huge batch of breakfast burritos to eat on this week and freeze. At one point we were in the kitchen and Evie came streaking through - she'd taken her diaper off and was free as a bird!
It snowed! so after cartoons but before the kids cleaned their rooms, I let them go out to play. Evie refused to be left behind. Such a good daddy - he took her out.
Thank you, Scarlette, for the snow-wear!
Pink cheeks!
I made monster cookie bars while everyone was outside, and had warm cookies and hot chocolate ready when they came in. Since Evie played like a big girl, she got a big girl treat.
After warm snack, we put on The Grinch, and continued our lazy day.
We did do a bit of cleaning after the movie and they kids played the rest of the afternoon, before showers, supper, and devotions.
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