Thursday, December 10, 2020

Pictures & "The Christmas Letter I Never Sent" 2020

 We weren't able to get a family photo session scheduled this year, due to covid and other extenuating circumstances for the photographer we had contacted, however, I gussied the kids up and drug them along for a few pictures that didn't turn out half bad, if I do say so myself.

The wind was bitier than I thought, but the kids were tough.  Except Evie - she was rotten and I forgot to bring snacks.  

I didn't write a formal Christmas letter in with the few cards I sent this year, but if I had here's what it would say......

Natalee (12) has had a tremendous year of growth in our new town, despite the restrictions of covid.  We began OT, PT, and hippotherapy services at a new center, and the staff, and what they have to offer have been very beneficial to Natalee's strength, understanding of her body, and coordination.  Because of our proximity to the therapy center, Natalee is able to have weekly PT and hippotherapy, and OT every other week.  She does an exercise and stretching routine at home, and we are in constant amazement of her grit!  Her pain has been much less these last months and we are so grateful.  
We joined the YMCA, which has had benefits for all the children (outside of covid restrictions and shut-downs), but the time in the pool has been of most benefit, and probably most enjoyed, by Natalee.  In the water her body doesn't fight her and she feels truly relaxed.  Hippotherapy has deepened her love for horses, and "her" therapy horse, Chief, and her are becoming fast friends.  In looking forward to a new year, Natalee thinks she'd like to try playing soccer, and we're all looking forward to our new YMCA being completed late next fall, which will allow for increased water time.

Xavier, (10.5), has had probably the hardest time with the covid shut-downs.  He was so very excited to play baseball this spring, try soccer this fall, and be in activities where there were a plethora of new friends to be had.  He is resilient, but emotionally weary of isolations, quarantines, and "being careful" as his love tank is best filled by time with people and family.  I am very thankful we were moved before all of this, so that he could have more Dad time to fill his many hours.  He has reached out to many loved ones using messenger and letter writing and that has been balm for his tender heart.  Through it all he remains a top notch big brother and all-around kid.  He's read a lot of sports books this year, and says he's grateful that we homeschooled so he didn't have to do the back and forth of "at school/home from school" business.  He's looking forward to baseball and soccer in 2021, and maybe playing a bit of in house basketball at the YMCA this winter.  

Ameliya (6.75) has had a lot of growth this year.  Her maturity in understanding covid life is inspiring at times, and makes me both proud and sad at the same time.  She struggled a lot with yard visits this spring and summer, wanting hugs from her loved ones so badly that she would cry when they departed.  But then again, so did I.  I look at her often and thank God for her health during a year when I think it would be horrendous to have needed to be in the hospital for her kidney troubles.  God is gracious.  Ameliya has learned to add and subtract this year.  She is telling time and learning to count money.  She is reading harder and harder books and loves to be read to.  She enjoys a good adventure, playing outside, getting dirty, and taking long showers.  Ameliya is a girly girl with a giving heart who likes to accessorize and make things for other people.  She's looking forward to trying soccer in 2021 and is becoming quite the artist.

Zayden (5) is a good natured little fellow who has learned to go with the flow this year.  He doesn't mind being home so much, but he does often miss "his best buddy, Theo."  They have gotten to play together a few times during the pandemic and their reunions are LOUD and beautiful.  Zayden has been old enough to join the homeschool YMCA gym and swim class and keeps up with the big kids quite well.  Sometimes when he's fussy in the afternoon and needs a rest I remind myself that he is still a little fellow and not just quite as big as the others - yet!  Zayden started kindergarten this year and is an amazing student.  He is reading! and loves to do his math, social studies, and science (dinosaurs!).  We are working hard on listening well and retaining what he's heard, and he's also working on the personal responsibility of picking up after himself.  Zayden is planning to try soccer with Mia in the spring of 2021, and loves to do anything his big brother does!  He has decided to grow his hair out and he is quite an amazing "parkour" athlete with a lot of body strength and spends a lot of time jumping, tumbling, and climbing.

Evalynn (1.25), is the orneriest one of the whole bunch.  She doesn't know life before we moved or even before pandemic, so her view of our world is unlike any others.  She's lived a life where, for weeks at a time, she went without getting in the car seat or seeing anyone besides the people in her house.  Evalynn enjoys FaceTime and "calls" her people on play phones around the house.  She is bossy and demanding and we've spoiled her, but we all do love her so.  She likes to go for walks with mama while the kids are at homeschool gym and swim, and loves to be outside.  She is happiest marching around in the yard, drawing with sidewalk chalk, playing in the sand and her playhouse, and taking buggy rides around town.  Evalynn is losing the hair growing competition with Zayden (ha) and we hope that 2021 brings her sleeping through the night!!

Mike is working as hard as ever at William Penn University.  Virtual schooling means nightmarish amounts of projects and planning for the IT department, which is his dominion.  He worked from home for awhile this spring, but otherwise goes in everyday to his office on campus.  This was a good year for us to have gotten moved close, and we'll never regret the hours he's gotten to spend with us.  He's gotten to be a very hands-on dad this year, and this mom is very thankful for all of his help (but shout out to the papas, grandmas, and aunties who helped us all those years before!).  

Jenn (me) - well, it's been an interesting year, hasn't it?  Rolling off a bit of post partum depression and anxiety into a pandemic isn't something I would recommend to anyone, but here we are.  There's been a lot of shower tears at night, when the kids are in bed and I have a minute to let out the sadness and disappointments that 2020 has sent us.  We have mourned loss alone, we have missed our families terribly, and we have done hard things and made hard choices.  However, the year hasn't been all bad - not in the least.  We have played games and loved hard and enjoyed our time together.  We have invented our own fun and been grateful for each other.  We have been mostly healthy, mostly happy, and that's about as much as you can ask for this year, I think.  Above all, we still have Jesus, and He is the greatest hope we can hold onto - this year and every year.

And so, Merry Christmas, our dear friends and family.  We are so thankful for you in our lives, even if your presence has been more "virtual" than physical this year.  We pray for you and we love you all dearly, and we hope that 2021 brings you sunshine and all things beautiful.  

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