Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Cutest Evie Ever

This sweetie is such a cutie...
Even though she hates the hats!
She sleeps well in her bassinet during the night but sometimes in the morning we cuddle in mommy's bed and she loves that!
She loves to snuggle and be held.
And this is her face if it takes me a couple seconds too long to get her fed.  Pouty cheeks...

Listen to her looking for her voice!

She's such a good little snuggle buddy.  Like seriously.
Her face at how silly mommy had her dressed under her fleece one piece for Colby cousin's senior night football game last Friday.  Mommy, I look silly, but I was warm!
She is SO observant and loves looking around.
She loves naked, too!
This girlfriend is sincerely such a little doll and we are having so much fun with her.

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