Sunday, October 13, 2019

Dedicating Miss Evalynn

Today was baby Evie's dedication at our home church.  Dedicating a baby is us, as parents, committing to raising our child in a home that works to keep Christ as our center.  A baby dedication ceremony is also our family and church body committing to supporting us along the way.
We're so thankful for the opportunity to dedicate each of our children.
Evalynn Nancy had all of her grandparents and aunts at her dedication, as well as two of her uncles and many cousins and other extended family.  It was a really special morning for this overly emotional mom, and we're thankful for our "crowd."

Happy dedication day, Evalynn Nancy.  We promise to always do our best by you and to work hard to make sure you know Jesus, how much He loves you, and the gift that He gave you.
You are such a precious little pudding and we're so thankful God sent you to us.
Sweet baby...
When I put headbands and hats on her, she tosses her head like a filly and tries to get them to come off.  She's a pretty amazingly opinionated 6 week old.

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