Sunday, October 27, 2019

Future Statesmen

Last Saturday our kids all had their WPU shirts out and were so excited for the Homecoming football game.  Unfortunately rain ruined our plans.  On Tuesday they all decided to wear their shirts anyways, so I put Ev in her's for a picture of the cutest 5 Statesmen ever.

Since the kids were all decked out, we decided to walk over and watch some of the girls' volleyball game Tuesday night.  The big kids enjoyed it - the younger ones got restless but were able to run around in the back of the gym and play imaginary basketball while we watched.
The fun thing about living on a college campus is that there's always something to do.  The tough thing is to not get overwhelmed and choose to not go to anything because you can't decide what to go to.  We're finding the balance and starting to branch out just a little.

Also - funny side story - before we left for the volleyball game, I was nursing the baby while the kids and Mike picked up supper and got ready.  Zayden and Mia came out of the bathroom and had heavily chalked their hair with blue stripes because #statesmen.  LOL.

Also, the next day while they were playing outside and I was making supper, I saw the kids had set up a "volleyball" game.  They had it down to the official up on the stand.

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