Tuesday, October 29, 2019

2 Months Old {Evalynn Nancy}

Miss Evie pants is 2 months old today!
This little Evalynn is about the sweetest as sugar baby you'll ever meet.
She loves to smile, coo, and make eye contact.
Her favorite song is What a Wonderful World.
I got every one of the smiles for today's pictures by singing it to her.
She's been finding her hands and is starting to be able to hold toys.  
She hasn't rolled yet, but she could if she wanted.  She's closer to rolling from her back to her front than the other way.
Evie's eyes and eyebrows are so expressive.
We call her beautiful, beautiful girl, Fancy Nancy, Sugar, and Puddin.
She's adaptable, but let's her needs be known.  When she's really upset, she likes mommy best.
Evalynn does not like dirty diapers, she loves to be naked, and she really enjoys bath time.
She's a little reflux-y/gaggy but we're handling it okay so far.
She's getting round (hello chins!).
She loves to look around, has seen her first snow (today!), and enjoys being outside.  Everyone always wants to hold her.
Evalynn Nancy is a bright light in our family, and we are so thankful for her.

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