Friday, October 11, 2019

Evalynn's First Bottle

The other night I needed to run to the store and Ev was sleeping.  I decided to leave her with her daddy and so I left milk for her in a bottle before I left.  She had her bottle as I was getting home and wasn't so sure - once she heard my voice she accepted it, though, and Daddy was able to give her an ounce.  She and I don't have plans to be separated any time soon, but it's reassuring to know she did accept the bottle and there are dozens of bags of milk in the freezer *just* in case.

Her face at first....I don't think so, Dad!
"Mama, do I hear you?  Are you sure this is ok?"
She's watching me to make sure it's okay.  Baby side-eye.  LOL
It's okay, Evie!  Mom left it for you and Dad is a certified baby bottle feeder!

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