Sunday, August 28, 2016

Zayden Sam!

Zayden Saaam...
Zayden Sam!

You can hear me say it 1000 times a day.  Zayden Sam is a busy one.  He's everywhere at once and then, suddenly, when you turn around, he's nowhere to be found!  Zayden Sam likes to test the boundaries.  He likes to eat tiny things and throw anything he touches.  He throw toys, books, potatoes (his fav), BALLS, laundry, pacis, food...anything!

Oh, Zayden Sam...
 Mama loves this ornery boy!
He loves ground beef!
Zayden likes to eat and throw the raw potatoes from the potato basket.
 Just look at this so full of it!
Most recently we discovered that Zayden LOVES tunnels.
He can, however, be helpful once in awhile.  See??
Life is definitely never dull with Zayden Sam around.

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