Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Caterpillar to Butterfly Unit Study

We began a caterpillar life cycle unit study recently.
We ordered some painted lady caterpillars and then my cousin, Shayna, brought us a monarch caterpillar so we got to watch two different kinds.
Painted ladies...
My niece found me some milkweed with monarch eggs on it!  Unfortunately they didn't hatch.  We put them outside this week just in case they would change their mind.

We've been meeting weekly with friends to work together outside of the work we've been doing at home. 
 Life cycle craft...
 such a sweet good baby...
 went to sleep in the carrier and transferred to the playpen...such a sugar

The kids have been journaling the cycle...
 Such a pretty chrysalis...
Week 2 with the group...
 Name caterpillars
We have 2 weeks left of the group study.  However, we left for a long weekend trip and while we were gone all of our butterflies appeared!  According to the timeline they were earlier than expected - we were sad to have missed it.  Not knowing how long they'd been in the pavilion without food we decided they needed let go immediately, so I had the children journal them and we set them free right away.
The monarch was super eager to go - it was beating against the walls.
The painted ladies needed some coaxing.

1 comment:

Shonya said...

It looks super fun--and familiar!! :D