Thursday, August 18, 2016

And the Little Brother...

Poor Zayden Sam...he's in the "tag-a-long" stage, when he'd probably prefer we keep him in his "I love my routine" state of being.  Mostly he's happy to tag-a-long and sits in the stroller or on my lap playing and chattering at everyone.  He's a flirt to strangers and likes to ham it up.  One day for swim lessons, however, I didn't get out the stroller.  I thought we'd sit on a towel - ha!  Instead of doing that Zayden decided he could crawl on the cement (he bear crawls, not knee crawls) and check out the toddler area at the pool.  
 After he crawled through the tunnels he found some water!  And I let him...
 What fun he had!

In other Zayden news...he's loving table food (when he eats)...
apple pieces... 
(here's his bear crawl)
Wrecking things is a new favorite pastime...

He's also started "reading"...seriously cute.

And look at this sugar...
And this little copycat!

He really is as cute an quippy as they come.  He's such a little comedian. 
So thankful for this little buddy!  He makes our family complete!

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