Ahh, the backlog of the last missing few weeks. My computer is trying to die so it's random flashes off of power takes some of the joy out of blogging. My hubby is going to fix it...soonish. In the meantime I have everything backed up just in case.
Anyhow, in the last few weeks we've been BUSY! We completed 3 weeks of school and are now taking a break to get some swimming lessons under our belt.
July 18th:
Cute curly piggy tails...
Searching out some Asian countries...
And some math for Xavier...
July 19th:
The cutest boy on Earth with a yogurt face...
July 20th:
Spanish, which is quickly becoming a favorite subject...
Mia loves Spanish time because she gets to join in.
He loves the songs.
Going back to my fun sensory mom days with some dyed pasta for a sensory bin for Mia...
History - Window on the World and You Can Change the World...we're learn about people in different countries and we're so humbled by the different ways they live.
Story hour at the library...
The Science I chose for this year is very good but it proving to be very in depth - too in depth for the ages of our children. We're shelving it and choosing something else for the year or possibly doing unit studies for the remainder of the year (if I can get them planned out).
July 21st:
Pasta play...we did bowties as butterflies, shells as cocoons, and rotini as caterpillars to go with a unit study we are doing.
Zayden is a little beaver - he loves fresh veggies!
And surprise cinnamon rolls for my loves.
July 22nd:
Zayden's turn to play pasta...
July 23rd:
Cucumbers and peppers...
He also loves juicyburgers!
And got a new tooth!
July 24th:
Learning to play chess at Grandma's...
July 25th:
We started The Story Bible curriculum. The kids love it!
Mia enjoyed her story with daddy so much. Her reactions were sweet.
Natalee can read The Story for Kids on her own.
Xavier and I read together.
Cantaloupe for Mr. Handsome...
I love when Natalee gets out her Bible to do her reading...
July 26th:
Xavier started doing this with his math answers...I thought it was funny. He's also been sounding words out - I love this stage...
Farm girl!
We got to borrow an Osmo!
July 29th:
August 1st:
Mia's 'school'...
Whew! Busiest and best times of our lives, right?
1 comment:
I foolishly took five months off from blogging and am now trying to decide how much of a "backlog" to post. . .I'm tempted to just start with now, yet my blog has become my "online scrapbook", so I hate to leave such a large hole. . .we'll see!
And I always so enjoy your homeschooling posts. It looks like you're changing several things up this year!
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