Sunday, August 28, 2016

Some of the People We Love

How blessed we are to have so many cuties around us to love.  Last Saturday we spent the evening at a backyard cook-out with this little sugar...
She was full of life!
 This guy was there, too, and I think he's pretty yummylicious as well...
 {he thought he needed a snack}
Natalee loves cook-outs!
There were grown ups and others around as well...funny how I never think to take pictures of us older folks!

Then on Sunday, even though Lauren had to work, Lance brought this sweet boy for us to snuggle up...
 He's making eyes at Grandma Num...
We got to see him again this week for a couple of hours.  His personality is changing every time I see him!
 Don't mind his finger - little turkey.
We have other kids we love - some certain teens named Colby and Emma - if only they loved to pose for GiGi like they used to.

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