Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Bucket Truck Rides

Last week at Story Hour the children got bucket truck rides from Tri-County Electric!  I was surprised that all THREE of my "big" kids were brave enough to go for a turn!
 Ameliya wasn't sure until I told her this is what Uncle Vance does.  Then she got suited up and said, "me go wike (like) Vance."
I did not offer to go with her.  I trusted the lineman in the bucket, and truth be told I had no desire to go that high.  Ha.  She did great!

Xavier actually went twice.  He was paired with a younger boy, and then at the end there was an older child who didn't have a partner so he got to go again!  Lucky duck!

Natalee went up with a friend that she was excited to see at Story Hour!

 This week the Conservation Department is visiting Story Hour!  The kids are looking forward to it!

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