Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Ball Season Finale

Our nephew had his final baseball game of the summer last night- his team played the championship game of a tournament and won.  
{Totally stole this pic from his mom - it's a great picture of him.}
Our own ball games overlapped with almost all of Colby's games - that coupled with vacation meant we hadn't made it to any games yet!  We picked a great game to go to!
It is an effort to load 4 kids up and take them to a baseball game alone.  I went through a season where I didn't do a good job of making this effort (back when I only had 1-2 kids!).  As the years pass, I'm realizing that these moments are fleeting.  You always think there will be another game or another chance...but sometimes there isn't.  I'm not saying I'll always make it to everything, but I am saying that, even if I'm up more than down, running kids to the potty and disciplining and only looking up occasionally, that I don't take these moments for granted like I used to.  
Colby, we're proud of you - not just in baseball, but the young man you're becoming.  Love you, kid!

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