Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Big Boy Seat!

Zayden got his new big boy car seat this weekend!  Thanks, Papa Curtis and Grandma Num!
He was getting so heavy in his infant seat - 16 pounds of him plus the weight of the seat.  He had also started straining to sit up out of his infant seat and was frustrated that he couldn't! 
His new one is so plush and comfy.  So much room to grow.  Ameliya sat in it for him and checked it all over to make sure it passed the test. 
We washed up his infant seat and sent it and the bases to Aunt Lauren and Uncle Lance for Baby Tallman-Smith coming in May.
Love you, big boy!  Cute little man!
(Zayden is in a Graco Fit4Me 65 convertible car seat.  He will remain rear facing in the middle of the van.  His seat is beside Ameliya's Graco Size4Me 65 car seat.)

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