One of the things the OMM suggested when I had Zayden checked last week was to make sure he's getting up in the Ergo often to maintain his leg flexibility in those areas where he's almost hypertonic. I do use a wrap and a ring sling but he's a very classic "seat popper" because of his superman leg strength so I'm grabbing the Ergo more and more because of it's ease. It isn't recommended you back carry in an Ergo until baby is sitting independently, however I knew Superman could handle it. He has excellent head and upper body control and is well on his way to sitting solo. {Don't do it just because I did...know your baby.} He liked it - he did get sleepy and I realized I can't get his paci to his mouth. I guess with Ameliya being a finger sucker I never dealt with that. Xavier helped him with his pacifier when he needed it. It was a very easy up and he enjoyed the scenery!
I love this picture - his face is precious.
(It's also recommended you not babywear with baby in footy PJs, lest the jammies become too snug in the toe and cause circulation difficulties. Again, know your baby and check on him/her. I checked his feet and he was a-ok.)
I predict many more adventures on mama's back in the near future. It might be the only way I can keep track of this one!
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