Saturday, March 12, 2016

Just Relax

I was actually setting the tummy tub out to send back to Lauren so it could wait for the arrival of her new little man.  Zayden hasn't had much water time as he's fighting some eczema but tonight, after a grouchy day, I decided to throw away all the rules and let him soak his cares away.  These were the first real grins and chuckles we'd had from him all day.
 We might keep it a couple more weeks and then send it on to Aunt Lauren. :)
 See how relaxed he is?  He folded himself up so he could play with his toes. 
We didn't do any soap and oiled up after he got out to keep him as comfortable and itch free as possible.  I have a hunch on the root cause of his skin issue.  If you have time and want to say a prayer for this to clear up and for mom to be able to relax a little we wouldn't turn that down. 

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