Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

As a homeschool mom you often have two choices - to do or not to do.  Ha.  When you work at a public school, as I once did, others "expect" things of you...when your teammates are doing fun celebratory crafts and activities you need to do them also or your class is missing out.  Plus, parents kind of expect to see those darling little things come home (so they can throw them away two weeks later!).  Anyhow, when you homeschool, no one is really checking in to see if you are doing crafts and activities like this.'s easy not to.  It's not as though my hubby comes home and asks where our weekly cut and paste is.  However, when I take the time, it always brings excitement to the house!

On that we celebrated Dr. Seuss.  
We read books...
(Xavier asked me to tape this WHOLE's so long...but I obliged.  He likes to watch them later.)

We watched Sneetches and Green Eggs and Ham on DVD.

And, most fun of all, we did a craft!
 The stripes were painted with cotton balls held by clothespins dipped in paint.
 Mia loves to craft!
 The end result was pretty cute!  Cat in the hat masks!
 Our dear Natalee, who is not too old for crafts yet, thankfully!

Mr. Shifty Eyes who can't look forward.

 Messy Mia - she thought this was hilarious.

Precious Zayden.  I put him at the table to "craft" with us, intending to keep him awake until 10, which is his morning nap time, but he couldn't hack it today.  His toys couldn't even keep him interested!  Sweet baby.

Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss!

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