Friday, August 29, 2014

5 Months Old {Ameliya Darby}

Happy Five Months, Little Girly!
  • 19.4 pounds
  • 25 1/2 ish inches
  • travel by rolling
  • Mama is your favorite
  • can almost sit up
  • like to be "worn" if you don't have something better to do
  • totally understand the purpose of toys
  • chewing and teething (you don't "take" a paci but you chew on it sometimes!)
  • are moving up from the infant seat to a big girl car seat
  • wearing 12 month clothes and they are getting snugger
  • love to be outside
  • can be so silly!
  • think brother and sister are hilarious
  • have tasted mashed sweet potato (thinned a little with mama milk) and like to chew on cucumbers and apples
  • wear your diapers on the 2nd rise with 3 tummy snaps showing
  • love to be read to
  • starting to push up on your hands
  • are busy, busy, busy!
  • have a suprisingly delicate sounding voice
  • usually only get up once to nurse in the night
  • have found your mutual ground with daddy & think he is fun
  • can change expressions in a heartbeat
  • nap three times a day
Ameliya, you are the definition of a healthy, happy, sweet baby.  We love you so much!

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