Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Chalk Blocks! {Are Fun!}

We purchased chalk blocks with Mia's grandparent "spoiling" money yesterday and got them out this evening.  What fun!  Our kids LOVE building and have great imaginations so I was pretty certain these would be a fun shared item.
If you don't like a little chalk dust, these aren't for you.  Chalk dust doesn't bother me in the least.  We did immediately start training Mia that the chalk is only for the blocks.  She'll get it quickly.
If you live near a Toys R Us go snag yours now...they were originally $19.99 but we only paid $8.99 yesterday.  I do feel like it was a bargain for 32 wood blocks!
Thanks, Grandma and Papa!

1 comment:

Shonya said...

How fun! I've never heard of such a thing!!