Friday, July 10, 2015

Taming a Wild Mia

Mia is....well do you say?...
Mia is a little wild.  
Try and try as I might to train and sculpt her she keeps me on my toes.  All. Day. Long.

She's insistent...insistent that she's one of the "big kids" and deserves a movie time rest mat, too...

She's getting braver...

She's persistent...bringing me books that need reading right now...

She's a daredevil...
I tossed the puppy on the couch to vacuum and she always sits on the couch when I vacuum - however I didn't think it through fully...
 She's a real wild one!

She's fully of life and spice and ornery...
We couldn't find her milk cup the other day and I was quizzing her.  Funny funny girl!

She wants to be bossy...

However, wild aside, she can be precious and sweet and my Dolly girl...
 She's learning to be sweet and gentle to baby Adelyn...
We love every wild and determined inch of you, sweet Ameliya Darby.

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