Monday, June 9, 2014

My Son, the Shopper

This boy loves to shop.  He's in such a "baby growing into a boy" stage - it's so fun and also exhausting.  He has a birthday coming up we sauntered through Wal-Mart today I saw that he's going to be quite easy to please.  Big boy tools, Legos, a tool box/belt, more Legos, slide shoes, anything with wheels (particularly motorcycles), and then maybe some Legos.  Did I mention I'm excited for our Lay-n-Go to get here???
 He likes the "yellow" tools...his favorite color!  He already has a real hammer but he says "when he's a daddy he's going to have a yellow one!"

1 comment:

Shonya said...

So cute!

But I refuse to believe that our boys are turning FOUR!!!!