Monday, June 2, 2014

Bumper Crop

Two years ago we planted strawberries.  We've kind of ignored them since we put them in the ground but they are doing just great.  

Here's our first strawberry ever in 2012:

And then last year:
We didn't get any gardening done this year but these strawberries, bless their hearts, they just keep multiplying and coming back so beautifully.  They are so good to us.  Our first picking tonight produced several ripe and red ones...there are LOTS of green ones left to ripen yet.
My little girl loves to be in the garden.

1 comment:

Lori said...

No garden? Bummer New baby, maybe moving. Where is your sense of adventure??? We added on to our it is 80 x 40 I believe. Let me know what u need!!!