Sunday, June 29, 2014

Party Success!

We celebrated Xavier's 4th birthday yesterday with immediate family and a few of his friends.  He wanted to cook hot dogs over a fire and, of course, rain was forecasted.  My folks graciously offered their garage so we'd be sheltered and despite several good rain showers he got to cook a hot dog on the fire.  
How blessed we are to have 2 sets of loving grandparents for our children and a whole slew of aunties, uncles, cousins, great grandparents, and friends.  Birthday parties remind me just how blessed we are, when people come together to celebrate the God given gift of one of our children.

Lauren let him open his TMNT umbrella before everyone arrived because it was raining - that quickly became the theme of the party and the children were soon all sharing and running through the sprinkles with umbrellas.
 I love 'em all sitting round the fire...what sweet memories they are making!

Have I ever mentioned how grateful I am for friends who let their kids play hard and get dirty?  What a relief to me that we can all relax and let them run through the rain, the wet grass, the mud and then sit around the fire and smell like smoke.  I'm so appreciative!

Xavier's friends and family really tuned into his likes - what a pleased little boy he was!  Legos, motorcycles, balls, a man apron for the ktichen, TMNT gear, outdoor toys, new shoes, construction worker clothes...all the things that keep little boys happy and busy!  I think I heard COOOOOL come out of his mouth 2 dozen times!
 Aren't they cute? ^
 Bad guys to go with our TMNT!
 ^ slide shoes like Daddy

Happy birthday, little dude!

Big thank you to everyone for the love you pour out on our family!

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