Thursday, June 12, 2014


Look who is learning that her hands have a purpose...
(besides appendages for sucking and chewing on)
Mia is a busy, busy baby.  Her hands are starting to uncurl and join in the fun!

Bonus pictures from today...
She *was* laying under the gym the correct way with her head and feet on the blanket.  She turned a full 90 degrees in the 2-3 minutes I was in the kitchen.  Worm!

 The kids invited Ameliya outside for their picnic today!

And here she is on her belly supervising their last week of school work!

She's really growing too quickly.  We're looking down the barrel of 3 months old soon!

1 comment:

Shonya said...

Awwww! She's so precious! Aryana shows no interest whatsoever in moving yet. :)