Monday, June 9, 2014

Another One Bites the Dust

Natalee ate another tooth yesterday.  Heaven help us.  She was eating popcorn and I heard her crunch and remember thinking, how strange that she's eating the unpopped kernels like that.  However, she likes weird textures and stuff so I didn't say anything.  Not five minutes later she came to me crying - she'd eaten a tooth.  Again.  
Oh Natalee...

 This makes 4 gone on top and 2 gone on bottom...a total of 6 holes front and center in her mouth:

And so, we continue with the saga of cutting all her food into tiny pieces from now till the end of time...

1 comment:

Shonya said...

Well, she looks adorable toothless!

But ate it? REALLY?! I've never had a child eat a tooth. Laughing helplessly. . .