Wednesday, November 6, 2019

17 Years in the Making

Seventeen years ago my sister started a new branch of our family tree and over the years we have expanded and grown.  For awhile I got stuck in the daily in's and out's and didn't realize how precious each moment was, but the last few years, and especially as we near the graduation of "our" first senior, I feel almost mournful of how fleeting each second is.
Ages 17, 15, 10, 9, 5, 3, 3, and 2 months.

I get memory flashes of when the teenagers on that couch were little people, flying through Grandma and Papa's house, yelling Gigi, Gigi and I feel a little teary at how those moments seemed like yesterday.

This weekend, after we left, Zayden said to me, "Nannie is the best at playing 'get me," and I realized that, all too soon, those "twin tornado" 3 year olds won't be eagerly waiting for Nannie to arrive so she'll give chase.  They'll be big teenagers and the game of chase will just be echoes in the walls.  It happens so quickly.

So today, I'll cherish each moment and each memory we get to make.  Every single text that says, "love you, too, Gigi," every snap chat, every event I can make it to, every Sunday dinner - and I'll do my best to look forward to the nexts.  Next phases, new chapters, and more memories.

The oldest and the youngest. 💗

Thank you to my folks for such a beautiful legacy.  I'm sure grateful for each face in this photo and the parents they represent.

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