Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Baby Who Sleeps All Night

I {DO} feel blessed that little Evie sleeps all night, but do you know what the baby who sleeps all night needs to do allllll day?  Eat.  Oofta.
Monday morning snuggles...
Monday night milk bath...
We call her the queen because queens take milk baths, right?

Mia watches me be a mama and then she works at being a little mama, too, all day long.  Giving her baby a bath
Monday I woke Ev up to eat and she crabbed at me all day.  Tuesday I let her wake up on her own and she was better but the days are still filled with cat naps, frequent feeds, and not wanting put down.  She's cheery as long as the focus is on her.  Ha. 
I finally gave in and held her through a good nap Tuesday so she wouldn't be so grumpy.

Daddy was home so he held her through her naps.  We did get one short nap in her crib and one in the swing.
I love you, Ev, and I'm thankful for a full night's rest.  Now to just get these days ironed out.

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